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Author Archives: OWDT

Hip vs. Back vs. SI Pain

31 million Americans are currently suffering from low back pain and an estimated 80% of us will have an incident of low back pain at some point in our lifetime. …

What is a PTA?

Hello, my name is Jess, and I’m a PTA. What is a PTA? I am asked that question all the time. First let me tell you what PTA stands for; Physical Therapist Assistant. The quick and dirty explanation I give to my patients …

It’s YOUR Choice

Unless you have been sleepitng like Rip Van Winkle for many years. . .you are fully aware that healthcare has changed. Federal legislation, aquisiton of formerly stand alone local healtcare institutions by larger national companies …

Big Fish

While on vacation I got to check off something on my bucket list. Being an avid fisher “woman”, Ernest Hemingway fan, and lover of the salty sea, my goal was to land a huge fish. Needless to say after a battle, I got to go …

Get a Plan!

Written by Kristen Hawley, MSPT I have been experiencing right lateral knee pain for years off and on, but was able to manage it. I was able to run marathons and participate in pick up basketball games without any major problems. A few years ago…

What am I doing here?

Written by Jeremy Stroup, MPT I’ve been in practice as a PT for a while now. Inevitably one of the first questions I ask when I meet a new patient is “Why are you here for therapy …

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